Children & Youth

CAPTIVATING our children and youth with God’s Story. CONNECTING them with each other and their leaders. CULTIVATING life-long relationships with Jesus Christ. That’s our model for spiritual formation with our children and youth.
Our leaders are members of our community of faith who seek to explore and wonder about the Bible stories alongside our children and youth, leading them in engaging activities and meaningful discussions.
Little Sheep (birth to age four) – This is a safe environment for our youngest ones to play and learn together. Their time consists of a Bible story, play, prayer, and a snack.
Faith Factor (elementary age, split into two groups, grades K-2 and grades 3-5) – Children are introduced to a Bible story and then given a chance to ask questions and wonder about the story with their leaders and peers. Lastly they explore the story through a wide variety of crafts, games, drama, and other activities.
UP (6-8th grade) – Students dig deeper into a Bible story and work together to discover how it connects to their everyday lives.
Faith High (Grades 9-12) – Students are guided in conversations to explore various cultural topics through the lens of Scripture.