The Way of Jesus
SCRIPTURE: Immersing ourselves in Scripture– reading, learning, and sharing as a community.
PRAYER: Communicating and communing with God throughout the day and seeking opportunities to do this with others in our life. Listening to God in silence, setting aside time each week to be with in stillness with God.
SERVICE: Opening our eyes, ears, and hearts to the needs our community and world. Asking for and receiving help from others.
EXAMEN: Slowing down to take time for “gentle noticing” (in the spirit of humility and grace) around our Five Ways of Being the people of God. Naming and confessing our sins and receiving God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
SABBATH: Setting apart a Sabbath day each week, resting from our work and engaging in activities which bring us joy and delight. Worshiping and reflecting on God’s goodness and greatness.
SOLITUDE: Creating space to be present with God in solitude. Pulling away from human relationships for a time in order to give God our undivided attention.
COMMUNITY: Creating space to be present with others, partnering in God’s mission together. Encouraging each other to foster and nurture a few deeper relationships.